Highland View Academy
Music Department
Welcome to the Highland View Academy Music Department,
We wish you many blessings on the season.
Music Department
Welcome to the Highland View Academy Music Department,
We wish you many blessings on the season.
ChoirsThe Highlanders, an advanced choir for those who are passionate about singing, traveling and willing to engage in an active choral agenda. The ensemble also serves as a promotional arm of the school. An audition is required for entrance into this choir. The HVA Chorale, a general choir for students who want to learn and participate in the choral experience. Check out our ongoing project: "Sing to the world" |
Handbells The Highland Ringers (Handbells) is a unique ensemble requiring a high level of commitment and dedication. Each member is responsible for 2-4 handbells performing in a choir of 56 handbells. Students who join the handbells are known for their dedication and talented skills. Prior knowledge of a keyboard instrument is preferred but not required. Students are welcome to participate after a qualifying audition. |
Band & StringsThe Highland Winds (Concert Band) program at HVA is open to students who wish to participate in music with a wind or percussion instrument. Private music lessons are offered to all students, and highly recommended for freshmen. The HVA Strings program foster the developing of high musical skills throughout the string instruments. The string ensemble travels with regularity with other ensembles and performs as well with the members of the wind ensemble. |